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DRIVEN HVL er en tykk og god monteringsolje, perfekt for sammensetting av motorer o.l.


  • Tyktflytende olje for beskyttelse av lagerflater, stempler, foringer, drev o.l. under montering og igangkjøring.
  • HVL gir en ekstra tykk film som gradvis løses opp i den ordinære oljen.
  • Skummer ikke.
  • Kan også blandes inn i ordinær olje for å øke filmtykkelsen.
  • 250 ml.


Multi-Use Lubricant With Superior Film Thickness and Tack. Driven HVL is formulated with our GP-1 Pennsylvania Base Oil For Ultimate Cling & Tack

High viscosity assembly lubricant (HVL) provides a tenacious yet fluid film to protect reciprocating and rotating components during assembly and initial break-in. This non-foaming product mixes with the break-in oil and extends the oil film thickness during the critical break-in process. Fortified with ZDDP. Apply to engine bearings, piston skirts, bushings, timing chains and gears, as well as oil pump gears. HVL will not harden or cause parts to become "sticky."

Monteringsolje - HVL High Viscosity Lubricant - 250ml

kr 240,00Pris

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