DRIVEN HVL er en tykk og god monteringsolje, perfekt for sammensetting av motorer o.l.
- Tyktflytende olje for beskyttelse av lagerflater, stempler, foringer, drev o.l. under montering og igangkjøring.
- HVL gir en ekstra tykk film som gradvis løses opp i den ordinære oljen.
- Skummer ikke.
- Kan også blandes inn i ordinær olje for å øke filmtykkelsen.
- 250 ml.
Multi-Use Lubricant With Superior Film Thickness and Tack. Driven HVL is formulated with our GP-1 Pennsylvania Base Oil For Ultimate Cling & Tack
High viscosity assembly lubricant (HVL) provides a tenacious yet fluid film to protect reciprocating and rotating components during assembly and initial break-in. This non-foaming product mixes with the break-in oil and extends the oil film thickness during the critical break-in process. Fortified with ZDDP. Apply to engine bearings, piston skirts, bushings, timing chains and gears, as well as oil pump gears. HVL will not harden or cause parts to become "sticky."